I've spent all day packing, which was quite a chore but apart from the things I need up until Sunday, I am finished! I'm taking one big suitcase and one small one. I just need to pack a couple more things like my phone charger and my coat but won't do that until Monday when we fly.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
All packed
I've spent all day packing, which was quite a chore but apart from the things I need up until Sunday, I am finished! I'm taking one big suitcase and one small one. I just need to pack a couple more things like my phone charger and my coat but won't do that until Monday when we fly.
Friday, 14 August 2009
Ok, so all I have to do now is pack. I have seventeen days left and in that time, I need to pack (I'm dedicating a few days to it), pick up some travel sickness tablets, get my haircut and load money onto my Dollar card.
I can't believe how quickly this has rolled around. I have a roommate called Gretchen, have been assigned two 'buddies' to help me settle in at URI called Caitlin and Elizabeth and I know where I'm living and in seventeen days, I will be living the dream.
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